Dear Users,
Zcash Sapling upgrade is going to be activated at block height 419200, which is expected to be mined October 29th, 01:54 UTC assuming 150 seconds/block.
Sapling is a network upgrade that introduces significant efficiency improvements for shielded transactions. pool has completed the Sapling upgrade deployment and for all miners, please be noted of the following points:
1) Zcash POW algorithm has not been changed and miners can continue to mine with Innosilicon A9, Antminer Z9mini, Z9 or other miners;
2) If you are using Zcash full-node wallet, please remember to complete the upgrade before 419200 block. You need to upgrade your node to version 2.0.1, or there may be cases that you cannot receive the payment;
3) During the period of Sapling upgrade, some wallets or exchanges may stop deposit. Please modify your wallet address timely or check with customer services of wallets or exchanges whether they can still receive payment. Team