Dear Users,
Greetings and thanks for using to mine Electroneum (ETN).
We noticed that ETN pool luck for April 21st was displayed as 60.5% while the actual pool luck is 94%. The reason for this error lies on frequent ongoing hardforks these days.
From 16:30 pm April 21st to 2:30 April 22nd, ETN experienced several hardforks, during which there are two ETN chains ongoing in the network. Till 24:00 April 21st (time for generating settlement), we cannot figure out whether was mining in the longest ETN chain. So the current settlement for April 21st is only the mining profit for the period of 0:00 am to 16:30 pm.
Now we've confirmed that Poolin is mining in the longest ETN chain and the mining profit for the period of 16:30 pm to 24:00 pm April 21st will be compensated. The compensation settlement has been generated and will be paid on April 23rd.
(*This hardfork is due to some pool's orphan block and not a planned hardfork by ETN team. Customers can still continue to mine ETN as usual.)
By the way, recently ETN exchanges shall ensure a min of 100 confirmations for deposit to minimise the risk of any possible attempt to double spend. Due to this, customers who are using "pay ETN mining profit in BTC" will experience late payment from April 23rd, which is expected to be around 11:00 am each day.
Also due to this, the payment for April 20th and 21st will be delayed a little bit. Please kindly wait.
Thanks, Team
April 22nd, 2019