1.What are the mining URLs for Poolin?
URLs for all the coins can be viewed on the website.
Take BTC as an example:
For any other coins, please simply replace the btc part with other coins, such as eth:stratum+tcp://eth.ss.poolin.me:443
2.How to mine directly with IP address?
Poolin is now cooperating with two server providers, ALI and AWS.
Here we'll take ETH as an example.
For ALI server, please open CMD in your Windows system, and enter ping eth.ss.poolin.me, press Enter.
If you are using Linux, please enter dig eth.ss.poolin.me instead.
Then it will show you an IP address, you can then connect to Poolin with this IP address. (need to add port behind it, of course)
According to the screenshot above, my IP address is,this means I can connect to Poolin with stratum+tcp:// or
For AWS server, please enter nslookup eth.ss.poolin.me instead, and Linux users can still using dig eth.ss.poolin.me to get the IP address.
3.How to use TCPING for latency checking?
Downloading TCPING tool: https://elifulkerson.com/projects/tcping.php
Put tcping.exe in the System32 folder under Windows
Open CMD, enter tcping, if it become like the screenshot below, then your tcping tool have installed successfully.
Press Command+Space and type Terminal
, press Enter, then fill in
brew install tcping
Testing:sudo tcping btc.ss.poolin.me 443